Apps Development

Mobile App sector has grown multifold in recent years and so has the demand for them.

The rapid growth of Smart Phone users has once again changed the landscape of the IT industry.

Along with the lower costs of internet subscription, this has opened the doors to a whole new range of products and services and as always, Multisourcing is prepared for this shift in dynamics.

Android App Designing Tools:



Android Sketch Paper


Android Patterns

Adobe Kuler

Major Android App Programming (development) Languages:

Java, C, C++, Corona, Phonegap, Titanium,HTML 5


MultiSourcing launched MUSICA which is a subscription based Mobile radio service.This new app based service is an upgraded version of our IVR based platform.

Subscribers once again have access to new & unreleased tracks from their favorite artists, only this time around they can stream videos & enjoy a much more immersive experience.

Video Bubble

Video Bubble is a subscription based Mobile app which allows celebrities to keep their fans updated on their daily lives & activities.

Video Bubble lets celebrities record & upload videos as they choose, letting them interact with their followers in a unique and entertaining way.Subscribers will also be notified of updates from their favorite personalities.